Above The Bar: Christopher Johnson

Intro by Amanda Staten:

     As an occasional contributor for the blog, I have the honor of presenting someone I know.  Seven years ago, I was blessed enough to have this person come into my life.  I am a firm believer that friends are the family that we choose.  He is not only my friend, but is truly family.  He has filled the shoes of brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and sometimes even dad with seamless transition at many times during our friendship. Recently, upon the passing of my dad, he has been ever present, acting as my therapist, pastor, financial advisor, and confidant.  His "no nonsense" attitude about most things and penchant for the unadulterated truth drew me to him.  He'll give it to you "straight, no chaser".  He likes to think of himself as an a-hole, and I enjoy calling him that...often.  Don't be fooled.  He has the biggest heart, bigger than most people I know.  I have never known anyone to excel at everything they do until I came in contact with him, and the brotha makes it look easy.  Of all the people I know, no one seems to enjoy life more.  He shows me how much fun being an adult can be, and I am striving to be more like him daily.  Some people you love so greatly that the word "love" does not accurately summarize the sentiment and this is true for me of him.  It gives me great pleasure to introduce this very talented man.  This is my friend y'all, my family.  Mr. Christopher Johnson.

Christopher Johnson
Redondo Beach, CA
Audio & Video Sales/ Photography

  "Oh yeah, I forgot the quote."
-Christopher Johnson

LL:  How long have you been doing what you do for a living?

CJ:  I have been in the professional Audio/ Visual sales, design, and contracting business s since   
        2005.  Photography since 2008.

LL:  What are 3 of the best things about your gig(s)?

CJ:  My office is located at home, so I rarely have to deal with L.A. rush hour traffic (Amen).
        Since we support the cruise ship industry, we travel all over the world to work on different 
        We have a great staff and a great work environment.

LL:  If your personality were a car, what year/make/model would it be? Why?

CJ:  If my personality were a car, it would have to be a 2004 Chevy Avalanche.  It's 
        multi-purpose, able to assist in a variety of different situations, and rides smooth
        on many different types of roads.  I'd like to think that I have similarities in my 
        personality.  You be the judge.

LL:  What are 3 of your favorite things to do when you have time off?

CJ:  I like to ride my motorcycle along the pacific coast listening to good music and 
        feeling the breeze.
        I love to travel to different places in the world and immerse myself as much as possible into 
        the culture.
        I like to be adventurous and try something new.  Currently on my list is Zip lining in a 
        forest and riding in a hot air balloon.

LL:  What are 3 things you need in order for your work day to go smoothly?

CJ:  Laughter, since all work can be stressful at times.
        Fresh water.  Got to stay hydrated!
        Sleep!  If I'm groggy or sleepy from the day before, I will NOT have a good work day.

LL:  What are 3 lessons you learned the hard way?

CJ:  Procrastination is the mother of all failure.
        Negative thinking breeds negative results.
        The popular choice is not always the right choice.

LL: Name your top 3 vacation spots.

CJ:  Australia.  I have unfinished business here.  Sydney is a beautiful place and my next visit 
        will be to Cairns.
        Hawaii (all of the islands).  I can never get enough of this place.  When you hear people talk 
        about a place having a certain energy, they were probably talking about Hawaii.
        The Caribbean.  I love the people, the water, the lobster, and the overall vibe of this area.
        Ask me about South America in a few months! 

LL:  What is your favorite dessert in your city and where can it be found?

CJ:  Unfortunately for me, my favorite dessert is no longer near me.  Previously it was the Warm 
        Apple Pecan Cobbler a la mode at LA Food Show in Manhattan Beach, but it closed a few
        months ago.  Maaaaaaaaaaaaannnn I'm gonna HAVE to make the drive soon (to the next   
        nearest location) and have one of those again.  It's been much too long. 

*hops in the car with you and Amanda* :-)

For bookings and more info, click the links below.



  1. Seems like a very important man to you, Amanda! I also appreciate the fact that he is such a frequent traveler. I hope to go around the world one day but I am broke college student so that won't be happening any time soon. Also, he's adventurous! I always wanted to learn to go ziplining! How lucky you are to have, Christoper.

    Btw, Candice, these interview are so awesome! Keep it up, girl! Love how you integrated Amanda into your blog.

    Isiah (DaGaspChamber.com )

    1. All my friends are super important to me, not to take anything away from Chris. He likes cheap travel too, so I'm sure he'll come across some deals you can afford!! :-) I'm going to check out your blog now Isiah


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